Grupo-LALA’s Sinton Dairy Products

Client: Grupo-LALA’s Sinton Dairy Products

Scope of Work: Provide project management assistance and subject matter expertise in conjunction with Project Solutions LLC to support Grupo-LALA’s Sinton Dairy Products plant with their wastewater and environmental requirements which included making improvements to their environmental systems and processes.  Three-month project assignment.


At the beginning of February, The Project Group Consulting LLC, in conjunction with Project Solutions LLC, wrapped up a three-month assignment to support Grupo-LALA’s Sinton Dairy Products plant with their wastewater and environmental requirements.  Sinton Dairy, located in Colorado Springs, CO is in the process of making improvements to their environmental systems and processes to ensure compliance with state and local regulations.  During the three-month period that The Project Group Consulting was on site, they assisted with the following activities:


  • Resolving action items from the October 2022 audit report by Colorado Springs Utilities.  This involved equipment and system improvements as well as documentation updates and submittals.
  • Overseeing and advancing the upgrades to the existing wastewater treatment system.  Sinton Dairy will be replacing the current equalization tank and associated instrumentation, as well as the control system and installing a new EQ tank, instrumentation, and SCADA system.  
  • Compiling the 2023 Wastewater Permit Application and monthly self-monitoring reports for submittal to Colorado Springs Utilities.
  • In addition to the wastewater system upgrades, TPGC also assisted in scoping other projects and upgrades that are necessary in the VTIS area; ceiling tile replacement, steam capture and removal, repair of roof top units for HVAC and the addition of a ventilation system. 


­­We were also able to take in some of the beautiful landmarks and scenery in the Colorado Springs area while there.  Both The Project Group Consulting and Project Solutions appreciates the opportunity to have been of service and assist Grupo-Lala.


Mailing: 208 Hewitt Dr., Ste. 103 #342
Waco, TX 76712


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